Walking was never one of Samantha’s favorite pastimes. But it became that when she got her dog Max. He is a German Shepherd Beagle mix. The shepherd in him loves long walks. The beagle in him loves to stop and sniff every scent along the way.

Especially over in the field, close to their home where they do most of their walks. It was safer there. Max could be off his leash, and she could listen to her music or a Podcast, instead of approaching cars.

She loves Max more than she loves most people, and she would do anything for him. So even on days when she didn’t feel like walking, one look in his puppy dog eyes, as he would pick up his leash and hand it to her, had her putting on her outside attire and going out.

The mist was heavy that morning, but this was Samantha’s, aka Sam, favorite type of weather, gloomy with a hint of overcast. She liked sunny days, but unlike most people, she would stay inside on some of those days, and would always venture out when it was gloomy and overcast, which was usually early mornings, pending rain, or just foggy. That was also one of the reasons why she loves the dusk and the dawn.

It was one of those beautiful crisp early mornings, when the mist was so thick, you could only see maybe ten feet in front of you, but no further. Dew was heavy on the trees and grass, and the air was fresh in these Tennessee mountains.

She would walk multiple times up and down the slope of the trail, usually in a straight line. She reveled in the feel of the mist as it sprinkled her face and listened to the whooshing sound her feet made as she walked through the grass, in her water boots. This was heaven for her.

She was walking Max at about 7am on this beautiful morning. Max was off sniffing and leaving droplets of his pee everywhere. Suddenly he stopped and started to growl. He was looking in the line of trees over to her right, and his hackles were up. Sam squinted, and peered into the bushes, trying to see what got Max all riled up, but her human eyes could not see anything through the mist.

The line of trees and shrubs were about 50 feet from her, and though she stood still, trying to see and listen to the thick forest, she neither saw nor heard anything, save the chirping of birds. But Max either smelled something or saw something move, and it triggered him.

He backed up closer to Sam, in a protective stance, keeping his eyes trained on that one spot in the woods, barking.

Then she saw the silhouette of a man. He was maybe five ten, five eleven, and weighed about 150lbs. He stepped out of the trees where Max was looking. At first, she could not see his face. He approached her. She saw that he had on a black full suit raincoat, pants, jacket, and black water boots.

His entire body was covered. His hood was down covering his face, but as he got closer to her, his head came up and he looked at her.

He was trying to intimidate her, she smiled inside. She was not sure why joy was filling her chest, but something told her this was going to be fun. Max was now growling loudly by her feet, and he barked, advising the stranger to stay away.

He, like his owner, had never hurt anyone, but was more than capable of doing so. So, he stood beside her and warned this human, that if he took another step, he was going to be sorry. But Sam didn’t want him to stop. Something inside her had wanted him to make a move. With each passing minute, excitement was filling her chest. It coursed through her veins and made her feel tingly inside.

“It’s ok Max. I got this.” Whispered Sam to Max.

He immediately went silent, still watching the stranger.

The stranger stopped about ten feet from her. Now she could see his face, even through the fog. “He’s barely an adult,” she thought. Maybe twenty-five years old, and her excitement waned but did not disappear. He looked like a handsome young man. Clean skinned, almond shaped eyes, a straight nose, and slightly pink lips, but weak chin.

“Come with me, or I will kill you where you stand.” He said aloud, banishing a long blade butcher’s knife.

Sam could not hold in her mirth any longer, and she laughed. His features changed, portraying shock at her lack of fear.

“Don’t anybody ever tell you, never bring a knife to a gunfight?” she asked.

Her hand was already on her gun inside her right jacket pocket, and she moved her fingers silently and unnoticeably, and took off the safety. Then she wrapped her hand around the gun and grasped the handle of the 9-millimeter, putting her index finger on the trigger.

In the mist he saw none of this.

At first, he stood where he was, shocked at her defiance. But he quickly got over it somehow and lunged at her. With lightning speed, she pulled out the pistol and shot him in each leg.

The shots rang out and echoed throughout the empty field. Sending the shocked Ravens and Crows kraa-kraaing angrily from their perches. Sounds of other wildlife ran through the woods trying to escape the unknown enemy.

Shock and pain burrowed into his very soul, and he screamed, more from the shock, than from the bullets that made holes in his legs.

The bullets sent him flying back a couple feet, and he landed hard on his ass. Blood started to gush from his legs, and smoke rose from the mouth of her gun.

He continued to scream in pain, rolling on his back in the wet grass, knees bent, holding both legs.

Then he screamed at her.

“You bitch! You shot me! I am going to kill you! You motherfuuusshhh!!” he screamed in pain, unable to finish his curse word.

“Yeah, you need to shut up! Those are just flesh wounds. If I wanted to kill you, you would be dead.” She spat out.

“You bitch, you bitch!!” he continued to scream, as the realization of the turn of events took a hold of him.

Max was shocked by the loud unexpected bangs of the gun shots but stayed by her side. He was used to hearing shots fired. So, he continued to stay close enough to move to her defense if she needed him. Though in his dog’s mind, he knew he could sit this one out, because she was taking care of it herself.

Sam pulled out her phone and dialed the emergency number. The operator came on immediately, it was still very early in the morning, where emergencies were not overflooding the lines.

“9 1 1, what is your emergency?”

“I just disabled an attacker.” She said matter-of-factly. “I shot him in both legs, and he is laying on the ground in front of me.”

“Where did this incident take place?” The operator asked.

“I am over in the field on Maury Lane.” The lane was named after the owners who have given Sam permission to walk there. “It’s the property beside the lane.” She continued. “There is only one entrance, and if you go down the street, to about halfway along the property line, you will see a locked gate. You can come in through the side entrance, I am to the right of that.”

“Are you hurt?”


“Is the attacker still breathing?”

“Yes. I am not going to KILL HIM!!” I just needed to stop him from hurting me with his knife.”

She almost laughed then, when she said the word knife. But sobered up to finish the call.

“The police are on their way. Please do not approach or harm this person any further and stay where you are.”

“Sure thing.” Samantha responded, but then, as she watched him trying to move further away, having heard the police officers were on their way, she added. “But if he tries to get away, I might have to give him another one in the leg.”

“Do not do that ma’am, the police will be there soon. He will not be able to go far with both legs injured. I repeat, do not approach him or harm him further.” Stated the operator.

“Ok.” Just then she heard sirens in the distance and was comforted. She hung up the phone and turned, taking note of her surroundings. Max was now sitting on his haunches, still at her side, looking at the man moaning in the grass. The man was lying on his side, trying to pull himself forward with one hand, while the other hand was holding and dragging one of his bleeding legs.

He was still trying to get further away from her. 

“You need to just stay still boy.” Sam advised.

Without stopping he shouted, “You bitch, you shot me. I am going to kill you!” He spat at her, and she smiled.

After about three minutes, the sirens passed by her on the other side of the bushes and stopped below her. Two minutes later, she saw four uniformed officers walking cautiously towards her.

“Hey guys. I was the one who called you. This is the perp.” she shouted, as she pointed to the man laying a few feet in front of her.

They had their firearms out, and pointed in her direction, but not directly at her.

“Are you armed?” one of the officers shouted, nearing her now.

Yes, but it’s in my pocket.” she pointed to the pocket of her raincoat.

“Please take it out and lay it on the ground NOW.”

“Why? I will never use it against any of you!” she said, almost annoyed.

“Procedure ma’am, take it out slowly, and lay it on the ground.” He commanded.

“Ok, dang!” She said, now fully annoyed. Then she took her gun out of her pocket and placed it at her feet. Max was up, and pacing nervously around Sam.

“Please move away from the gun ma’am.” He continued.

She complied, and as she was moving away, she said, “He wanted to kill me, and I defended myself. Did you not get that from my call?”

“Yes ma’am, but we need to assess the situation, and keep safe at the same time. It’s only procedure.” He said again, as he holstered his gun and moved to pick hers up.

Meanwhile, two of the other officers went to kneel by the man in the grass. While the fourth came and stood off to the side and behind the officer who was speaking to Sam.

Just then, one of the officers who was by the attacker, took out his phone and started tapping on it. He stopped to look at something on the phone, then walked over to where Sam and the two other officers were standing.

He walked up to the officers and showed them a picture on his phone.

“Jeezesum Christ. Is that the piece of shit we’ve been looking for!!?”

“What now?” Sam asked, looking at their surprised faces.

“This guy killed three teenagers in the last three months. His failed attempt on another allowed her to give us his description. We have been trying to catch him ever since.”

“Dang, I should have killed him then!” Sam shouted.

“No, Noooooo!” said the officer, “You cannot do that, even to this piece of shit, we have to obey the law.”

Soon after, they started making calls to get an ambulance, and alert the rest of the force of the incident. While they were busy, Sam moved closer to the injured man.

His hands were now in handcuffs behind his back, and he was placed in a seated position.

She moved closer. One police officer had his eyes on her, he made no attempt to stop her though, mainly because she was not seen as a threat, as she was not moving in a threatening manner, and they still had her gun.

She got in earshot and stooped to talk to him.

“I hear you’re a killer of little girls.” She stated.

He did not move at first, just stared at her.

“If I had known, I would have put two right between your eyes.” She continued softly, but loud enough for him to hear, while trying not to let the officer hear as well.

He was not fazed but continued staring at her. Then he tilted his head to the side and whispered back.

“When I get out, and I will,….. I will come for you, and I will kill you.” He threatened.

“Please do. Say you promise. I beg you. I will make your death the most painful, and most horrible thing ever. So pleeeease come find me.” Sam pleaded.

The police officer, having moved closer, heard that, and asked her to move away.

The paramedics were running over by then, and they took him away on a stretcher, and placed him in the ambulance.

Sam had to go to the station to make a statement. It took most of her day, but at the end of it all, she did get her gun back. She also got a friend in Officer Frank Bernstein.

Sam could see by his actions that he had admired what she did, and he was grateful. But he could not let it show. He handed her his card, while walking her out the building.

“Call me anytime if you need anything. The city is not happy with what you did today, but I sure am.” He said with a wink.

“Thanks officer Bernstein.” Sam said.

“Frank, please. Take care of yourself now.”

“You too.” Said Sam as she turned to walk away. Little did she know, at the time, that he would be her Commissioner James Gordon, to her Batman, or should I say, her, the Avenging Angel that she would become.


The incident in the field was not where it started for Samantha Jane Rowe. She wasn’t a wild child, or physically active for that matter, at least not until after age five.

In her early years, zero to five, most of her time was taken up by ballet classes, school choirs, school plays, or going with her mom to the bookstore, almost every weekend. She loved to read and be read to. She would have Sam pick whichever books she wanted, to add to her ever growing library.

Yeah, she would get excited about the monkey bars on the school playground, and would climb them every day during recess, but that was about it.

Her parents were very career oriented and were both making a good living. But that didn’t stop them from being there for Sam. No matter what their day was like, busy or otherwise, they would make it their duty to be home in time for dinner. They would be at every school play, and meeting, and always made time for family. They never allowed work to come between them and their only child.

Her Pappaw Rick, her mother’s dad, was the adventurous one. He would take Sam on every summer holiday to show her the “other” side of life. Her parents loved that. They wanted Sam rounded. Plus, him taking her, would give them time to be alone together.

Camping was Pappaw Rick’s “thing”. He would take her hiking and camping every summer vacation. They would spend weeks at a time camping all over the country. He would take her camping at the Yellow Stone National Park, Yosemite Sequoia and Kings Canyon, to name a few.

Sometimes, they would hike and camp at more than one of these famous camping spots before the holiday was over. Sam grew to love being with Pappaw Rick, camping and learning the “tricks of the trade”. Her Pappaw was a joker and trickster, and time spent with him was always filled with laughter, fun and excitement. But most of all, education about Mother Nature. How to predict the weather. Watching and learning about amazing animals and learning about the different types of plant life.

He taught her which ones were poisonous, and which were medicine. Sam soaked in this knowledge like a sponge, and she became an expert at this, and she grew to love and crave that other side of life.

Her life at home was a combination of school, restaurants, plays, and being inside. On some evenings, her parents would take her on walks through the park, that for them, would be the extent of being outside.

With Pappaw, her life was about being in the forest, canoeing on the rivers, and living in the mountains.

However, sometimes camping with him was bordering on “Glamping”. He made sure she was always comfortable and spared no expense when it came to their tent and equipment. He had gotten for them the 13’ Regatta Bell tent, which they loved to camp in. But when they saw that they were going into potentially bad weather, they would camp in his Travel Queen Camper, set on his 1965 Chevy Truck. They would go places way off the trails, and would find hidden waterfalls, rivers, and caves to explore.

They would catch fish and eat and would sometimes hunt and eat deer meat and rabbits. The first time Pappaw took her out, Sam was five, and this life was strange to her. Plus, she missed her mommy and daddy.  But by the end of that summer, she didn’t want to go home.

Every year after that, she hungered for the summer holidays, and the time to go camping with Pappaw.

Her grandparents on her father’s side were expatriates, so they were not in the country much. They only came home on some holidays to visit, and Sam would spend time with them then. She did love them, but she was never as close to them as she was to Pappaw Rick.

Then, when Sam was seven, her parents sat her down, and tearfully told her that her grandparents had passed away abroad. Their home had been broken into, and they were shot and killed by the robbers. These robbers were soon caught but were killed before they could make it to trial.

Their “elimination” happened one morning, when the robbers were being transferred from prison to the courthouse to await trial, they were all shot in the head by a lone sniper. No real investigation was done to find the killer, because they were murderers, nobody really cared that they were assassinated.

Thinking back now, Sam had missed her Pappaw for a month after hearing of her grandparent’s death, and he had been back home just after the robbers were killed. But at the time she was too young to understand any of this.


Sam became an avid fisher at age seven and was hunting like a pro by age ten. By age eleven, if left alone in the woods, she would have been able to build camp, feed herself, and craft tools and weapons provided by nature. He also taught her, if lost in the woods, how to use the Sun, Moon, and Stars to find her way out. 

Then, on one fateful Saturday night, just after 8pm, after attending one of Sam’s school plays, they had decided to have dinner at one of their favorite Chinese restaurants to celebrate. On their way home, she became an orphan.

It was a night of praise, because Sam had played the leading role, and had smashed it. They had finished eating, and were on their way home, when their Porsche was hit head on by a drunk driver. Sam didn’t even get a scratch, sitting in the back seat. But both her parents had died on impact, and so did the drunk driver.

Pappaw Rick was called that night and was at Sam’s side in a flash. He remained there for her up to the age of seventeen.

He had made all the funeral arrangements for her parents, and had kept Sam in her childhood home, giving her time to adjust to this new phase of her young life.


Colonel Richard James Bromfield, Pappaw Rick to Sam, was a war veteran, and though the expectation was that a war veteran in his seventies, who had done three tours in Afghanistan would be a hard ass, well, their expectation would be correct. But he wasn’t to his granddaughter, much.

He loved Sam and showered her with affections every day. Through words of praise, treats, or tools that she would need to complete any number of projects. But now, being her only living relative, he had to add something extra, a rich dose of tough love.

After her parent’s death, she had begun taking her anger out on her friends and teachers. She was an only child, and their death had wrecked her world. She became withdrawn and bitter, and she hated the fact that God had taken her parents from her. So, she lashed out at anything religious or anyone who dared to love her.

Pappaw Rick gave her time to grieve. Get her anger and frustration out on the “world.” But after two months of putting up with her insolence and misbehavior, his patience had grown thin, and after one bad day, he told her to “Shovel it up, and stick it where the sun don’t shine.”

He knew at seventy-two, he was not going to be around long enough to get her much beyond her teen years, and he had no time to waste. He needed her fit and ready for when he was gone, and she would be all alone to face the world. He couldn’t offer much in the way of “womanhood”, but he knew a woman living alone needed to be able to protect herself. That, he could provide the training for.

Pappaw understood her pain and tried to accommodate her anger. But being a Retired High Ranking War Veteran, he had seen and felt pain multiple times throughout his Service and had to find ways to deal with it.

He was in his early twenties when he did his first tour, and had friends die in combat. Some even in his arms, and he had to move on past it to save his life, and the lives of his squad.

On his second tour, half of his team had been blown to bits in a bomb blast. He knows one needs time to grieve, but he knew Sam did not have that privilege. He was old and felt in his gut that he would be gone soon. His former life in the Army was tough, and it had taken a toll on his body. But he would fight to the last breath to stay alive for Sam.

He wanted to get her beyond the age where she would need to be sent to an orphanage, or into the department of Child Services. He did not want that for her. His wife, Sam’s grandmother, had passed on the year Sam was born, and after him, there would be no one to care for her.

So, he allowed her to grieve for two months. Then, one night after dinner, he sat her down and told her of her plight.

“Sam,” he told her, “I am getting older, and things in my body aren’t working as well as they used to. There is a lot to learn before I pass. So, listen up.”

So, began the hard lessons. He told her the facts of life. What was happening, and what was about to happen. Even though he knew it would scare the shit out of this little girl, it had to be said, and she needed to know.

Surprisingly, she accepted the facts. She had always trusted her Pappaw on their summer vacations together. She knew he was her last living relative, her one last lifeline, and though she had “acted out,” during her time in mourning, she never ever wanted to disappoint him. She had grown to love him very much. So, she buried her pain, and followed her Pappaw’s training to the letter.

During his service, Colonel Bromfield had once held the position of Drill Sergeant, and he was tough with all his new recruits. Now, he didn’t spare his granddaughter. He knew she was capable of surviving in the woods alone, but he needed her ready to survive in a world without him.

He took her through the three phases of “Basic Combat Training”. Gun, Missile, and Combat, along with a lot more life lessons.

Usually, this kind of training lasted ten weeks for the new army recruits, but for Sam, he drilled her mercilessly for twelve weeks. He taught her to be a soldier.

He taught her survival skills, and how to use weapons of all kinds. He expanded on first aid training, way beyond sewing up cuts or removing a bullet. He taught her how to maneuver in all situations. Tactical, and even Grifting.

She knew her grandfather was skilled in almost everything. But found he was more knowledgeable than she could have ever imagined.  At first, after every combat training, her tiny pre-adolescent body would ache every night. But she was always completely, and utterly impressed by how proficient her grandfather was. She was in awe of him, and though the tears flowed, she fought through the pain, and pushed harder, and went faster. Soon, she was impressing him.

As the years passed, then came the more specialized training. Where he taught her hand-to-hand combat. Like Boxing, wrestling, Jiu-Jitsu and Krav Maga. Knife skills taught from The Marine Corps Martial Arts Program. He also taught her basic computer hacking skills. Pappaw Rick was a “Jack-of-all-trades” but could only take her so far. So, Sam took what her grandfather taught her on hacking, and advanced on it.

She became scary good, and a force to be reckoned with. She practiced hacking unsuspecting low-key businesses, just to see if she could. But never to hurt that business. Her Pappaw made sure to warn her, “Never hurt the innocent, and never use your “powers” for evil.”

She trained under his tutelage for five years, right up until the night he passed.


There were days when self-pity would rear its ugly head, and she would falter. Sometimes, it would seem as if her grandfather was trying to kill her. But he never let up. He was always careful with her though, and he kept reminding her how important it was for her to stay on task.

“You will not get pity from someone who wants to kill you. You need to fight for your life and mean it!” He always told her.

When he became sick, he kept his illness from her, and though he was in excruciating pain for the last six months of his life, she never knew it. It wasn’t until his last week on earth, when he became bedridden, that he eventually told her he was going to leave her.

He had drilled her harder in the last month, more than he had ever done before, and that was the reason she was shocked speechless when he died. He didn’t appear as a man in pain, or someone about to die.

He had called her to his bedside and told her where everything was, bank accounts, weapons, passwords, all his liquid and tangible assets. Everything was in place and set for her, he had made sure of it.

But just before his death, he got her a dog.

One day, he had told her he needed to run an errand and had come back with a beautiful pup. His coat was of a German Shepherd, but his floppy ears and white feet, were that of a Beagle. She fell in love instantly.

She now realized he was making sure she was ready for a world without him, and the best he could do to not leave her alone was to give her a companion. His gift to her was this beautiful animal, who she now calls Max.


Pappaw Rick had bought his home in the suburbs, to be closer to his daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter. Then after Sam’s parents’ death, he sold his house, and moved in with Sam, to keep her in her childhood home. He lived there with Sam for a few years. But he needed to be where he felt most comfortable, and that was the woods. He kept the house but moved them out to his cottage in the woods by the creek.

He wanted her away from society. So that after his death, she could be under the radar of Child Services. He did not want her to be put in “the system”. She could live alone in the woods until she was ready to do whatever she wanted.

She continued to practice her training after the death of Pawpaw, then at twenty-one she made a change.


She was comfortable living alone, preferred it even. She was like her grandfather in that aspect. They treasured their own company. But she wasn’t truly alone, she had Max.

She completed high school by age sixteen. She had excelled in all the advanced classes. The teachers tried to take charge and push her to enroll in college. But Pappaw had asked her to hold off. He knew his time was close and needed her to be with him until he passed. He wanted her to go to college. But only after he got through teaching her everything, he needed to teach her.

After her grandfather died, she had made sure not to visit the same supermarket or any locations, often. She was still a teenager, not yet eighteen. She did not want to rouse suspicion or gain any friends. Friends would be trouble for her. She was old enough not to be questioned when she traveled alone as a teen. But she still had to be careful. 

She did try college after he died, when she turned eighteen. But found that it wasn’t for her. She was more advanced than most of the teachers. Pappaw had made sure to provide as much knowledge as he could, through books and online classes. If he didn’t have an answer, he would video chat with his Army buddies, who were pros in their specialized fields, and who would provide the knowledge Sam needed.

At the University, her questions would often stump the teachers, even those in their specialized field. So, after trying for two years, she left, and completed her studies on her own. This was done through a mixture of books at the library, specialized tutorage by her grandfather’s friends, and Professors, whom she had admired, and by watching videos.

She was not looking for a corporate job, so not having a paper degree was not an issue for her. Her calling was somewhere else.

Pappaw Rick had left her quite a sizable sum of money, enough to last her for a few years, if she spent it wisely.  She used some of it to build her a highly specialized computer setup and used this to carry out her research and plans.

She learned to trade on the Stock Market and got very good at it. So much so that she made quite a large sum of money to keep going.

She had been watching the news, and had seen abductions, murders of women all over the country, and she felt she needed to do something about it.

She dove deep into researching these cases, by hacking the government databases. Focusing on open, and cold cases of all the child molesters, predators, abductors, sex traffickers, and serial killers, who targeted women in her area.

Using the information already gathered, she devised a plan. But first she needed to talk to her grandfather.


She had buried Pappaw in the back of the property. Which he addressed as Turner Creek. Turner was the name of his older brother, who had died when Pappaw Rick was only sixteen. He was four years older and had gone into the Army. But he never came home.

The beautiful creek ran alongside the property, where, as a child, Sam had loved to splash around in. It was deep enough for a swim, but she did that less and less as she got older.

So, the property became Turner Creek.

At the back of the property was a beautiful hill. Covered in “Black-eyed Susan”, “Coreopsis tinctoria” and “Monarda Didyma” flowers. She buried her grandfather on the top of it, under the old Cherry Tree. He had loved to sit there overlooking the river, where the creek runs in.  It also overlooks the small town, three miles from their home.

The cross breeze was always refreshing, even on cold days. Sometimes, Sam would join him after finishing her studies or chores, whichever it was that day, and they would sit in silence for hours just listening to the sounds of nature. Enjoying the breeze and the smell of the wildflowers.

She went there now, not knowing why. She didn’t think her dead grandfather could hear her, but she needed some form of validation for what she was about to do with her life.

She sat in the grass next to his grave and looked over the enchanting landscape. Max sat next to her.

“I know you want me to keep my head down and nose clean,” she said, repeating his words to her. “But I need to do this. There is too much injustice in this world, and it is mostly against women. They need help Pappaw, and I can do something about it. You made sure of that. I will make an oath to you on this day. I promise to never hurt the innocent. I will make sure they are guilty before exacting my judgment. This I promise you. Please don’t be mad. This is something I must do. I love you Pappaw……I miss you”

Her cheeks were wet with tears, but she had no urge to wipe it. She missed him so much. After a while she got up and they both walked down the hill, back to home.


During her research, she had found that three women, living in her town, were constantly being taken to the hospital by the same man for injuries to their person. Their injuries included, broken ribs, broken arms, and the constant black eye. The police could not make an arrest, because he was never reported. So, this man was never charged.

Sam found one of these women. She was secretly taking Self Defense classes at the local Dojo. So, Sam signed up.

She decided this would be the start to her chapters of avenging the weak.

The woman’s boyfriend had heard she was taking self-defense classes and had taken offense to it. He thought she was going to classes because she wanted to hurt him back. So, he made sure to show her, no amount of training was going to stop his blows. He broke her arm in two places and dislodged her right jawbone. She told the police she fell down the stairs. She lived in a trailer.

One night Sam showed him. Not all women are created equal. She had him spend a week in the hospital, with no knowledge of how he got there, or who had done it.

Sam found out the name of the woman’s abuser, and trailed him for a week, gathering intel. Taking note of the places he frequents, his whole routine. She found he was a jerk to everyone, and a cheater. The two other women he had besides the one at the Dojo, were also being abused. He was not good to any of them.

Then, one night on his way to his car, after visiting one of his women. She followed him into the almost empty parking lot. Unobserved, she silently walked up to him. She knew this was his practice every Tuesday night.

At first, she had watched from her car as he exited the building. He was late, but Sam had nowhere else to be. He had parked in the far corner of the parking lot, hiding from prying eyes. She got out and followed on foot.

He was walking, head down, hands in his pockets, towards his car. She walked up to face him, and they did the dance. He thought he was in her way and stepped aside.

“Oh, sorry my lady.” He said, stepping to the other side.

 She matched him and stepped in front of him again. He stepped over to the other side, she did the same. At first, he thought it was an accident, and laughed apologetically.

Then when he stepped over to the other side again, trying to get out of her way, and Sam did too, his head jerked up angrily.

“Ok, what is this now?”

Sam said nothing. She was only feeling the need to hurt this man.

He slowly stepped to the side again, and Sam followed him.

“Look bitch!!” he shouted.

She spoke then.

“You like to hit women huh? Wanna hit me?” she asked softly.

Bending his head down, he tried to see her face. But she had on a ski mask under her hoody, which only allowed him to see her eyes.

“Oh. You want some of this bitch? Well, take this!” he screamed.

He stepped back and punched at her face. She dodged it, only moving her upper body.

He tried again. Frustrated that he had missed the first time. He missed again.  With that, she followed up with a kick to his groin. He doubled over, screaming. Holding his crotch.

“OOOffff. Oh shit!!” He screamed in surprise and pain and dropped to his knees.

Before he could say anything else, she brought both fists down on his head, and he fell flat, face down on the ground. She proceeded to kick him in the sides, breaking two of his ribs. She kicked him two more times, then stomped on his right arm, breaking it.

He was screaming incoherently, writhing in pain. Sam made sure to hurt him without drawing blood.

She sat on her haunches, and using her gloved hand, she searched his pocket, and found his phone. She dialed the emergency number.

“9 1 1, what is your emergency?”

“I just saw a man being attacked in the Dexter Common Apartment parking lot.”

“What is your name?”

“My name? Yes, my name is.” Click, she hung up. Her deed was done.

She stood up and looked again at the man lying in the parking lot. She sighed, satisfied that her message was received. Then she stepped away and walked towards her car. Throwing his phone over her shoulder back to him.

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