

I can’t run marathons. I dislike running, because I find it hard to do. I can only do a slow walk for maybe a quarter mile. My singing can only be tolerated by me. But that I love to do, even though nobody wants to hear me sing. My paintings would come second place to a cockroach stepping in ink and crawling across white paper. In other words, I do not have any of those talents.

But what I was blessed with, is the ability to author a good story. Even though Editing is my nemesis.

We are all born with amazing abilities, for me it’s writing. As a writer of Non-Fiction and Fiction stories, I find that I can invoke them from my mind, and transfer them to paper quite easily.

However, others have told me that writing down their thoughts, or creating a story, is not as easy for them to do. Yet it flows through me like air.

Ever since I had conscious thoughts, I have told myself a story every day. Some may be continuations from ones before, but they are to me like a nice warm blanket, keeping me mentally sane and comforting me.

I am not sure from whence it came, (yep, I said whence), but it might have to do with the fact that, I am a middle child, and you know what they say about a middle child. Yes, we are awesome!

Or maybe it was because my father left my mother with six children to feed. So, I used my imagination to travel to beautiful places, far and wide, and create a happier environment to live in.

But my dreams, which I later found out are called Night Terrors, took me to places where nightmares exist.

Now I want to share some of these stories with you, because I think you will enjoy them as much as I do. Even the scary ones.

I want to entertain you by spinning a good yarn, or tell you about some of my crazy experiences. I also love to listen to other people’s stories, or watch stories on the tele, and I will share the best of those with you. 

If adventures into the unknown are things that will interest you, then come join me and read on. I will pull you into my world and tell you about the macabre, the funny, and the intriguing. 

I want to hear some of Your stories. So, send me an email and tell me about it. If you are a writer and would like to share some of your stories here, we can make it happen. 

Thanks for dropping by. All the very best to you and yours.



" With each book I read, I am astounded by LTs' imagination and creativity."

- C. James

"What an imagination, great work!"

- M. Hall

" Please keep pushing them out. I live for these books."

- Lisa Lennox